Morita Therapy was developed by Shoma Morita, M.D. (1874-1938), a Tokyo psychiatrist and professor at Jikei Medical University in the early 1900s.
Dr. Morita was a contemporary of Freud, and was a pioneer of Eastern psychotherapy as Freud was in the West. Dr. Morita, however, summarized a theory from his personal experiences, medical training, and clinical practice that emphasizes a holistic, contextual, and integrative approach to wellbeing: health of the whole person in every life circumstance.
Dr. Morita pioneered the treatment of anxiety disorders, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorders, and hypochondria. He was, however, also a compassionate educator of successful everyday living as well as a forerunner of psychiatric theory. Dr. Morita frequently described his treatment as freeing the "natural flow" of energy for optimal living. Although steeped in the Zen milieu of its time, Morita Therapy is not Zen but a unique blend of Eastern philosophy and modern medicine. Morita Therapy is now practiced internationally for a wide range of mental health concerns and life challenges. The key aspects of Morita Therapy are engagement with the environmental context and life forces of Nature (forerunner of modern ecotherapy), meaningful changes made through creative action, and intuitive response to meet the needs of the present moment.
The program of the Morita Counseling Education Center is focused on providing public presentations, professional training, academic courses, and agency program consultation on Morita Therapy. Dr. Brian Ogawa, the center's director, has been studying, practicing, and teaching Morita Therapy for more than 45 years. He is internationally regarded as the primary Moritist in the United States.
Topics addressed at previous Morita Therapy, Trauma-related, and Cultural Competence seminars and events conducted by Dr. Ogawa include:
"Contextual Approaches to Trauma Counseling"
"Holistic Treatment of Anxiety Disorders"
“The Art of Anxiety”
"Crime Victimization Intervention and Healing"
"Family Violence"
"Eastern Approaches to Wellbeing"
“Eastern Approaches to Intervention and Treatment”
"Counseling Survivors of Sexual Assault"
Counseling Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence”
"Emergency Response in Natural Disasters"
"Treatment of Schizophrenia"
"Depression and Suicide"
"Stress Management"
"Crisis Intervention Methods"
"Vicarious Trauma and Burnout in Helpers"
“PTSD in War Veterans”
"Effective Multitasking"
"Natural Lifeway"
"Outpatient Morita Counseling"
"Criminal Justice and Victim Treatment"
"Child Victimization and Trauma"
"Current Issues for University Campus Counseling Centers"
Sponsoring and host organizations for education and training events by Dr. Ogawa have included:
University of Florida
University of Puget Sound
Jikei University Medical Center, Tokyo, Japan
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
University of Hawaii
UCLA School of Public Health
University of Texas, Austin
University of Exeter Medical School, England, UK
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Annual Big 10 Universities Counseling Centers Conference
University of North Texas
Virginia Commonwealth University
and many other academic institutions.
Government Agencies
Attorney General of Arizona
Attorney General of Ohio
Attorney General of Hawaii
Attorney General of Kansas
Governor's Office of Massachusetts
Governor's Office of California
Los Angeles District Attorneys Office
Tarrant County District Attorney, Texas
Waco, Texas Police Department
Topeka Police Department
U.S. Department of Justice: Office for Victims of Crime
U.S.D.O.J.: Office for Violence Against Women
U.S.D.O.J.: Executive Office of U.. Attorneys
U.S. Department of Defense, Family Services
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
and many other governmental entities and programs.
Professional Associations and Organizations
MyTime Mental Health Services, Birmingham, England
River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding, Micanopy, Florida
Biofeedback Society of Kansas
Stormont --Vail Medical Center, Kansas
Kansas Association of Addictions Counselors
Family Service and Guidance Center, Topeka, Kansas
Morita Society of Kansas
Parents of Murdered Children, National
International Association of Trauma Counselors
Japanese Society of Morita Therapy, Tokyo
American Psychological Association
Florida Network of Victim Services
National Organization of Victim Assistance, Washington, D.C.
and many other international, national, state, and local groups.
*To inquire about training or schedule an event, contact Dr. Ogawa at
(Honoria/fees are adjustable)
Types of Events
Intensive residentials
The Center conducts intensive residentials in Morita Therapy for those desiring to incorporate Morita into their personal and professional lives. These intensives typically are from 3-5 days with small groups of 5-10 individuals in a natural, homelike setting. Emphasis is on experiential and interactive learning, Nature-centered activities, expressive arts, group teaching, individual/private sessions with instructors, and practice in daily living. Past intensives have been conducted in Georgia, Texas, Washington, Texas, Kansas, Florida, South Carolina, Hawaii, England, etc. If you or your group would like to host/co-sponsor an intensive, please contact the Center.
1-2.5 days Experiential
Occasionally, the Center sponsors a non-residential, small group Experiential in a home setting, emphasizing holistic learning, mindful daily living, creative/imaginative activities, and Nature-focused engagement.
Conference keynotes
Dr. Ogawa has delivered Morita-related and other topical keynote addresses to hundreds of audiences across the United States and internationally at conferences from a few hundred to thousands of attendees. These conferences have included those centered on university campus counseling, cultural competency, hate and bias crimes, partner abuse, sexual assault, child victimization, PTSD, vicarious trauma, trauma healing/recovery, cross-cultural therapies, Eastern therapies, addiction intervention and prevention, natural disaster and mass victimization response, etc.
Half-day or full day seminars and workshops
The Center conducts seminars and workshops for professional associations, colleges and universities, non-profit groups, businesses, government agencies, law enforcement, prosecutors, judges, social workers and psychologists, addiction counselors, parenting organizations, etc.
Program consultation
The Center can assist those wishing to establish a Morita-based approach in their agency or organization.
Individual case consultation
Though the Center does not offer direct counseling, it can offer assistance to professionals in their practice, as well as offer education to individuals and make referrals.
Individualized instruction is given to selected applicants.
Certificate training
The Center is developing a certificate program with learning tiers. More forthcoming on this unique offering.
Public presentations
The Center provides introductory talks on a variety of Morita-related topics such as anxiety and depression, OCD, stress management, parenting, life skills, etc. Venues have included public auditoriums, libraries, bookstores, meeting halls, and community facilities.
Classroom lectures
Dr. Ogawa developed and taught the only university-based, higher education-accredited certification program in Morita Therapy in the United States. He is available to present classroom lectures or assist instructors to add to existing course content/curriculum.